Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Our Keto Journey - Day 76

Day 76 – 

After grabbing a quick coffee to go, I jumped in the car and headed out this morning.  I had to work outside and it got hot fast. Although I brought my water bottle with me I quickly finished all that and was extremely grateful when one of the women I was working with had more nice cold water for us. Luckily I only had to be outside for a few hours. 

Once I got home I cooled off, drank a Gatorade (the ones with zero calories) and more water and then made myself a quick lunch of egg salad.  Then I headed over to my brother and sister-in-laws’s house to go hang out with my dad so they could have some time to themselves. They were so sweet and made sure to let me know they had plenty of Keto friendly food in the house. It really helps when you have supportive family and friends; it makes a big difference when trying to lose weight.  
I got some work done while Dad was hanging out watching TV, and when it was time for dinner I gave him some options. He decided to have some leftover pork roast that my sister-in-law had made. I fixed up some rice for Dad and warmed up some of the pork. I decided to have some leftover broccoli and cheese with a little of the pork. No rice for me though. 

I try to help out my brother and sister-in-law as often as I can and come over to stay with Dad. They do such a great job taking care of Dad, so coming over once in awhile so they can have a night away seems like the least I can do. I also just like getting the chance to talk with Dad. He is 89 years old and he is still so sharp, unfortunately his body is no longer cooperating the way it used to.  We have fun conversations about the joys of grandchildren, and he shares funny stories from his past. This time together is so valuable to me.  

When I finally made it home I was exhausted, but I felt good because I know I did a good job of sticking with my diet today. Each and every day on Keto is a matter of deciding to do what’s best for your long-term health and it isn’t always easy, but I do think it is worth it. 

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