Saturday, September 15, 2018

Our Keto Journey - Day 72

Day 72 – 

I am really amazed that we have both stuck with our commitment to this diet for 72 days now. Not only that but I have somehow managed to write a daily blog post for 72 straight days. It is a pretty incredible accomplishment. 

Today I had to work so I grabbed my morning coffee and headed out the door.
I had packed myself a very basic lunch with some cucumber and cheese sticks and a container of Crisps. It wasn’t exciting but it did fill me up and help me get through the day. 
After I got home I decided to try the shrimp and zucchini dish again, but it didn’t work out as well this time. I’m not sure what I did differently, except that I didn’t start with bacon, I just sautéed the shrimp in butter and garlic. I added the heavy cream and Parmesan, and then I added the zucchini and spinach. I might have used too much spinach? Or I might not have let the cream sauce thicken enough, but it came out very watery. I tried to add a bit more Parmesan and it didn’t really melt, it just clumped up together. Overall it tasted okay but definitely not as good as the first time I made it. 

I did decide to have some dark chocolate after dinner. I have a chocolate bar that says it is only 14 carbs for 12 squares of chocolate. Sometimes you just need some chocolate, and on a Friday after a long week I decided to splurge. I knew I was pretty low for my overall carbs today so I felt comfortable allowing myself the indulgence. 

I did not go workout today. Honestly I was tired from a long week and just wanted to curl up and read a book. I think its okay to give yourself permission to relax. Being able to read your body signals is important and I will find time to exercise this weekend. I am planning to check out a yoga class, which is a bit intimidating for me. It is hard for overweight people to do yoga so this is a big challenge for me, but after doing Keto for the past 72 days my confidence in growing and I know I can handle it. 

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