Thursday, August 2, 2018

Our Keto Journey - Day 28

Day 28 – 

Peter and I have both been doing our low carb Keto diet for almost a full month now and I am pretty darn proud of the fact that we have stuck with it, not cheated with any of those carb-loaded goodies we crave, and we have made a real effort to include regular exercise in our lives. That really is a big accomplishment.

After my morning coffee I really wanted to give that cauliflower toast one more try and actually use parchment paper this time. I don’t think I squeezed out enough liquid, but I had fun and put the batter into silly shapes with some of my cookie cutters.  
They came right off the paper this time, and I had two of them. They taste okay but certainly not like real toast.  I am trying to think of ways to use them, maybe with eggs, bacon and cheese on top like one of those breakfast sandwiches?

Later I had a cheese stick and did a bunch of chores around the house. No matter how often you clean and do dishes, the second you turn around there are more dishes.  

I finished up some paperwork for my job, and then actually got a chance to do some reading. 
When Peter came home I decided to be brave and make my own version of a Keto taco.  We had some leftover cooked hamburger so I added some good Penzies ‘Pico and Taco’ spice to it and then proceeded to make cheese taco shells. 
I added the meat, some sour cream and just a small amount of salsa and they were fantastic. 

Later, Peter and I headed to the YMCA and I did 45 minutes on the stationary bicycle.  My ankle swelling is down but I wanted to baby it just a bit more. I will try to do some walking when I go back to the Y next time, but I will keep it at pretty low speeds to make sure that my ankle won’t get too mad again. 

I also managed to meet my daily water goal again. I do think drinking water is helping, but I really have to consciously think about drinking to actually meet my goal each day.

I wish I could say that my fat was just melting off but I know it’s not.  I also know we are making the right decisions and this will pay off, but it is going to take some time. 


  1. You are doing so well! Yes, it's going to take time but be patient and encourage each other! I don't track how much water I drink, although I should. But, I always have a glass of water beside me everywhere I go, so hopefully I'm doing good in that department.

    1. Thanks Candi, it really does help to have each other's support, to encourage each other and hold each other accountable for our decisions. Thanks for stopping by my blog today

  2. It's going to take time but your built in support is so important. 28 days - a big round of applause - you've come far. Alana

    1. Thanks so much Alana, it is hard work but doing it together has made it more fun and much more successful.
