Saturday, July 28, 2018

Our Keto Journey - Day 23

Day 23 – 

As we continue our fourth official week on Keto I have been doing more research on the diet. Our lazy version of Keto has been very effective for us so far. It does seem slightly ironic that doing something in a lazy way can be effective, but you can’t argue with results. 

Looking at a bunch of Keto websites, many of them offer 14 day or 30 day meal plans. I have never been the kind of person who can follow one of those. Some people thrive on the structure of being told exactly what to eat and when, but I usually feel suffocated by it and quite often I find myself doing the exact opposite. I do think that says a lot about my personality in general, but it is clear these meal plans are not going to work for me. 

I decided to order a couple Keto cookbooks; hopefully we will continue to find a variety of interesting Keto recipes that Peter and I can do together. The book that was most recommended on some Keto Facebook groups was Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore. 

Several people also suggested Keto Living Day By Day. Since I had a gift card I earned doing some market research I decided to splurge and order both, as well as the spiralizer that folks recommended.  It seemed like a great use of my gift card. 
I made myself some scrambled eggs and cheese for breakfast. I made a big bowl of chicken salad for lunch, with plenty leftover because Peter called and said he forgot his lunch today so he said he will be starving when he gets home.  

Today was a good day to catch up on small chores around the house that I really needed to do. 

My car has been struggling in the Arizona heat and I have had a lot going on in the past few weeks and I decided that I needed to take a day of rest so I skipped going to the Y today. I have an early morning car appointment tomorrow so I might even walk down to the Y while they work on my car, giving me an extra bonus workout. According to Google Maps its only .8 miles, but the big challenge will be walking in the heat. I will have to make sure to hydrate well – wish me luck. I don’t feel guilty for skipping today because that sounds like a double workout for tomorrow. I do think it’s important to take a day off once in awhile, just to rest and relax, especially where there is a lot going on in your life. 

I was amazed that later in the evening when I already received part of my Amazon order. Technology is amazing. On a side note, I just love ordering from Amazon – it always feels like Christmas when you get to open a package, even if its something you order for yourself, even when its something not very exciting like allergy medicine, it is always a fun to open a package. The only main drawback is all of the cardboard and packaging. 

Anyway – here is the first part of my order:

I had ordered the Pork Rinds because several Keto websites and Facebook groups mentioned them.

I sat down and started looking through the new cookbook and marking several of the recipes that I want to make. It was interesting because several of the recipes used ground up pork rinds as a kind of breading, so I think those will come in handy. The cookbook cover says it has 130 ‘deceptively simple recipes’ and I do like that each recipe lists the Keto info for each one, with amount of carbs, fats, proteins and calories. I am looking forward to more variety in our meals; although we have been successful so far I always think its good to try new things.


  1. I'm surprised about the pork rinds. I had no idea they were part of the diet.

    1. Yes - they have zero carbs, but if you are also counting calories they aren't a great option. They are definitely Keto friendly.

  2. My problem with Keto is that my cholesterol gets way way too high... just not for heart patients I guess. But good luck to you!

    1. Thanks, right now it is balance for me because I have so much to loose. Luckily I have not had any issue with cholesterol and making sure to increase my physical exercise has helped to prevent any blood pressure problems.
