Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Our Keto Journey - Day 62

Day 62 – 

Today was my last day of my visit with my daughter and grandson. I made sure to take advantage of every hug and snuggle. We started the morning with my grandson having donuts, which he calls do-do’s. Yes, there is temptation to have a donut or two with him, but if I want to have the energy and good health to enjoy playing with him I have to be satisfied with just watching him enjoying them and he seemed to enjoy his do-do’s very much. A little later we both had a cheese stick. He thinks it is fun to eat a cheese stick when I do.  Later we played sword fights, we colored and he may have eaten some of a crayon before Grandma let him know that is not food. 

I didn’t have a lunch because I knew my daughter was planning for us to go out to eat on the way to the airport. Later in the afternoon, after I was all packed and my grandson had finished his nap we all stopped by Outback for one last fun family meal before I left. I do miss having bread, but I knew I had already made a few non-Keto choices during my trip so I did not indulge. I chose a beautiful piece of tilapia with crab meat on top and broccoli and it was great. I knew this meal would be more than enough to keep me full during my flight until I got home. 

After a few more hugs and kisses I grabbed my bags and headed to my gate. Even with my weight loss, I am still very large for those very small seats. I was very happy that I could do the seatbelt without too much trouble and no need for an extender.  One of the things that I am choosing as a small victory is the fact that I can lower the tray table without it getting stuck on my stomach. This may not seem like much, but for me it is a big improvement.

One of the struggles of being overweight is the internal dialogue that you have with yourself. Despite losing some weight, I know that I am still pretty big and there are times when I feel absolutely enormous.  For me airplanes and trying on bathing suits are the worst. It really is a big deal for me to be able to feel like I fit in my seat, even if I still have a long way to go. Celebrating these small victories is a big part of my motivation to continue working hard to lose even more weight. 

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