Sunday, September 2, 2018

Our Keto Journey - Day 59

Day 59 – 

Today was all about family fun and I did not let Keto interfere with any of it. I skipped breakfast, but I did have my usual cup of coffee. I spent the morning playing with my grandson and then when the whole family was ready we went out for a family fun day. We began by picking up some Barbeque. I chose the BBQ Pork and I had some coleslaw as my only side. They included double slaw since a lunch plate includes two sides, but I only ate less than one portion. I know that BBQ and Coleslaw both usually have some sugar, but I was surprised this one had very little sweet and much more of a spicy kick. 
We drove out to a beautiful winery and yes I did sample the wines. I chose the dry or semisweet wines, although they did have a big variety of sweet wines as well.  We decided to purchase a couple bottles, one of the reds and one of the sweet whites. My son-in-law and I each had a couple glasses of the red, it was fabulous – it actually is made with some Cajun spices so it tastes a little sweet at first but then you taste the Cajun kick at the end. My daughter was very happy with her sweet peach wine. I know the wine had some carbs, but I feel pretty confident I was still well under my carb limit.

We had our picnic and enjoyed our Barbeque and wine and each took turns exploring with my grandson. It was a perfect summer day, sitting in the shade and enjoying each other's company. I think its important to not let Keto be the only focus of your life, enjoying family time together is so important. I have noticed some people online who obsess about their Keto diets; I don't think that is a healthy approach. It might take longer for me to lose weight but life is about balance. 

When we were finally ready to leave we actually stopped at another local winery and we sampled there too. I made sure to choose only the dry or semi-sweet wines and the small amount that is included with a sample is not likely to be a large amount of carbs.

We got home and then my daughter made some pork roast and asparagus with Hollandaise sauce. I am still trying to watch my portions but I am not as diligent as I usually am at home. My goal this week is to maintain my weight loss.  If I really want to lose weight I have to be extremely careful with my portions and I know my daughter loves to cook for me and everyone she loves, so I am trying to balance my goals with the goal of enjoying my time here and making her feel happy to take care of her mom.  As long as I get home without gaining any weight back I will be happy. 

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