Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Our Keto Journey - Day 97

Day 97 - 

The weather has finally cooled off so after a relaxing morning with my coffee I was able to take Lexi on a nice long walk. She was very happy dog.

After the walk I cut up a cucumber and ate a piece of cheese.

Later in the afternoon I was feeling hungry and just couldn’t decide what to eat so I made some asparagus. I roasted it in the oven with a bit of Parmesan cheese on top.

Peter called on his way home and we both decided we just didn’t feel like cooking so he brought home some of the amazing cauliflower crust pizza. I do admit I had four pieces and really I should have stopped at two pieces but it was so good.  The cauliflower crust has a slightly sweeter nutty flavor, but that might just be due to the fact that we haven't really had any bread or sugary treats for so long. 

We actually looked up online and I could eat the entire pizza and have consumed less carbs than one slice of regular pizza. A regular-crust pizza averages 30 grams of carb per slice. That sparked a conversation about how many carbs we used to consume without even thinking about it. Peter and I both plan to keep with our new low carb lifestyle even after our official 100 days have past. 

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